Monday, February 8, 2010

Nomination of Craig Becker; Johnny Speaks Out

During an executive session of the Senate HELP Committee, I voted against the nomination of Craig Becker to serve on the National Labor Relations Board, because I believe Becker will use his position to bypass Congress and manipulate the federal regulatory process to favor labor unions if he is confirmed. The Senate HELP Committee approved Becker’s nomination by a 13-10 vote. Becker must now be confirmed by the full Senate, and no date has been set for the vote. I will vote against his confirmation.

It is clear that labor groups intend to use Craig Becker’s position on the NLRB to impose pro-union rules that they can’t get passed in Congress. For example, Stewart Acuff, chief of staff and assistant to the president of the Utility Workers Union of America, wrote yesterday in the Huffington Post that, “If we aren't able to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, we will work with President Obama and Vice President Biden and their appointees to the National Labor Relations Board to change the rules governing forming a union through administrative action.”

am strongly opposed to the so-called Employee Free Choice Act, also known as Card Check, which would eliminate the rights of workers to participate in a secret-ballot election in order to certify the creation of a union. Instead, the legislation would force employees to make a public declaration of their preference by allowing union organizers to bypass elections if a majority of employees sign cards authorizing a union.

The NLRB has a history of trying to maintain a delicate balance of current law on union organizing that provides advantages and restrictions for both sides. It is imperative that this balance continues, regardless of which party controls the White House. [You go get E'm Johnny]

***I would like to insert a few words here if I may; for anyone to go after the Labor Unions; and especially in the Senators re-election year; doing so rather aggressively I do add: is definately
my kind of man, and deserves my vote and continual support. *** 
  This very reason is why I support Senator Johnny Isakson. If anyone knows the power within the government the Labor Unions have; you would understand this. They are too big for their britches and Johnny Isakson is not afraid to butt heads with them.

Help Re-Elect Johnny Isakson to the U.S. Senate in 2010. Visit

                                               Thank You and May God Bless