Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Behind Closed Doors Meetings by Democrats"

Senator Johnny Isakson can be found by visiting http://johnnyisakson.com/
Why did they lock the doors? I'll tell you why; it was because President Obama told them to. They knew this would be their best hope for cramming a "garbage bill" down all our throats. Nancy Pelosi, house speaker; did have and control if the Republicans attended or participated in many Legislative acts. Many, many meetings took place behind closed doors; locked doors but now we will see if she continues to get her way, personally I think she will thanks to you; the American people, Tea Partiers, and public opinion.

This incompetent, irresponsible Obama Administration has seen just a small amount of the American peoples anger when they try and force bigger government down your throats; with a crippled Economy, they try and put the Healthcare bill on taxpayers, without regard if the country could afford it or not, it does not matter to them, just as long as it becomes law.

 A milder version might be acceptable "if" the Economy was doing well; it's just according to what they might stick in it; oh'well; that too can be blocked, we would send them back to the initial drawing board.

The Obama Team acts like they are working on commission, "Hmmmm!" I will say no more on that before any accusations are made.

Visit: http://re-elect-johnny-isakson-ga4.blogspot.com/